My Weight Loss Progress

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Work Monster

I love my job! Absolutely love it!  But it takes so much time and energy. What's a workout? I don't think walking up and down in front of the blackboard counts, though it does leave me sore. It's all small movements.

I write with  my write hand and erase with my left so at least I lift that arm once in a while.

I think I need to spend my two-three light/easy weeks between quarters getting re-established in an exercise program.

Notice the word "think."  Where is my commitment?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just Don't Drink the Water!

Having lived in a place where the water tasted terrible and was so hard that it left a film on the windows. I'm sure there were monsters in that water! In July I moved to Iowa, where I found--you  guessed it--bad-tasting water. I'm renting so I put a faucet filter on. Then we got a new faucet, and the filter, which wasn't terribly effective anyway, didn't fit.

I tried to drink enough water, but I found myself avoiding it, or drinking too much juice, which is full of calories.  Finally, I decided to conquer that monster, so once again, we buy water from the water machine at the grocery.  At work we have bottled filtered water from some delivery company, and I drink two or more liters in eight hours.

Nothing like the taste of pure, clean water.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Juan Moore and the Assistance Dog

I’ve got myself a pretty little canine to help break a couple of bad habits. This dog has a blue coat and an incredible sense of time.  When I am on the computer in the evening, he reaches out his nose and shuts off the internet connection right at 10:00.

If he sees me trying to log into a game site he gets in my way and blocks me from it just as a seeing eye dog keeps his companion from stepping into traffic. He doesn’t stop me from getting into games on facebook yet, but I’m sure I can teach him that too. 

Of course, I am his master and I can override his commands, but I normally choose not to. Why get an assistance dog if you aren’t going to let him assist you?