My Weight Loss Progress

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Looking Good!

At a baby blessing I attended Sunday, my sister-in-law Margaret leaned over to me and said, "You're looking really good, Lynn!" I just wanted to kiss her--except that she has had the flu!

Well, I don't know my current weight, but it's higher than I'd like. Thank goodness for "all-over control" pantyhose and a flattering dress! And for a sister/friend who knew I needed some encouragement to keep going.

Have you ever noticed that a positive comment can go a lot further than criticism?

Here's a picture of the cover of "The Weigh Down Diet" for anyone interested.


  1. Compliments are wonderful! Glad you didn't kiss her with the flu and all. :) Maybe I'll check on that book during my holiday break. Thanks!

  2. (Sorry, this post will be long!) Lynn, thanks for mentioning the Weigh Down Diet on your blog. I checked the book out from the library and read it. As I read, a lightbulb came on in my head. Years ago I used to attend Overeaters Anonymous and for myself I defined "abstinence" as "eating only when hungry, eating whatever I wanted, and stopping when full." I was very successful at weight loss when eating that way and it's probably the closest I ever got to reaching my goal weight. There's a long story as to why I gained a ton of weight after that--I won't go into it right now--but I'll tell you I maxed out at 250 lbs. I mentioned to you on FB that I am a sugar addict in recovery. I lost a lot of weight when I stopped eating sweets, and almost reached goal again. The weird thing is, after moving to Utah, I regained about 25 pounds!! I have struggled and struggled with this. I'm still not eating sweets, and I exercise, but the weight kept creeping up. I don't know if it is stress from school, menopause, or what. ANYWAY...after reading that book, I realized I needed to go back to eating when hungry and stopping when full, and the big reminder for me was "eat what I want." I had lost sight of that. I have been carefully measuring foods and avoiding some favorites because they were too high in fat and/or calories. What freedom I felt to eat bacon if I so desired, or eat at Fazolli's if I wanted--and feeling satisfied and able to stop when full. I lost 7 pounds in two weeks!!! Eating foods like pizza, and steak. I am still avoiding sweets because I'm too afraid I won't be able to handle it. I know the author says there is no such thing as food addictions, but I know when I stopped eating sugar and it got out of my system, I no longer craved it at all. So if there is no such thing to be physically addicted to a food, why would the cravings stop when no longer in my system? Since gaining weight in the last couple years, I knew I needed God's help to get it off, but I kept praying He would help me stick to my diet and then beating myself up when I couldn't. Now I ask for His help to recognize feelings of true hunger and fullness, and know that He will bless me with food to eat, and can fill me with satisfaction and peace. It's wonderful. Thank you for reminding me!
