My Weight Loss Progress

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Considering a New Blog Name--Again

I didn't make it to fit by 50, though I made good progress. Then I was derailed by the move.

Here I am over a year later, starting over (you'd think I'd learn), tired of hurting and being tired all the time and being FAT! 

What should I name my blog?  I am considering Slender Sixty (gives me a little over 9 years to get there)  or Svelte by 60, but I would like something more health-minded.  All the S-words I come up with seem to be more weight related--slim, slender, svelte, skinny, shapely (though that might work)

Maybe "In Shape by Sixty" 

Or maybe just change it to Fit by 55, which is a shorter term and might cause less procrastination.  I wonder...can you change the name of a blog without redoing it?  I think I can if I just change it on the title but not the url.

Any suggestions? 

1 comment:

  1. So you decided to go with Fit by 55! (I turn the "double nickle" next month!)
