Yesterday I had great excuses to skip my exercise.
1. Planting flowers took a lot longer than I planned on.
2. I had to make lasagna for a family get-together.
3. Then I remembered I had promised a salad for a funeral and had to make arrangements to deliver it.
4. It was time to leave for the get-together. Oh well, we're going to be swimming, so I'll be okay. Plus we're going to be in the mountains, so I can walk up there. Packed the pedometer and walking shoes.
5. Went to change for swimming and discovered I grabbed the towel but my swimsuit wasn't wrapped in it like I thought. Oh well, we'll still go for a walk. I forgot to shave my legs anyway and I think I'm getting a cold.
6. Watching the kids swim, bringing my grandson up to the condo when he got too cold. My walking partner's still hanging out at the pool.
7. K''s car is broken down, and Anthony has to run out and tow him in.
8. It's dinnertime now. I guess we'll walk after dinner.
9. D & H are leaving and need us to watch the kids. Anthony's running back to the pool with K's family anyway. Ry falls asleep in my lap. I don't want to move him.
10. Anthony decides it's time to go home because he has to come back up and tow K home with my car.
11. By this time, I'm really tired, and hungry again, so I sit down for a snack and get caught up in crossword puzzles. It's only a mile today anyway, so I'll be okay in a while.
12. Remember I have library books due. Gather them up and get T. to take them back for me.
13. It's 9:45 at night. I guess I'd better get to it. Oh no, it's a two-miler, not a one like I thought. Start anyway. Get stomach cramps. They go away for a little while and them come back. T says small change is good. I tell him there's a dime in his dad's car.
14. Stuck with it! Somehow! One more blue sticker, one more day not missed!
15. Next day....tired, have a cold...a good day for an easy outdoor mile. No way I'm doing the three I'm scheduled for. Maybe tomorrow. Takes until 2 p.m. to get the determination to go do it, and then mainly because Anthony came and asked me if I was ready to go.
A supportive partner is a big big help!
16. Got a Richard Simmons DVD on Netflix. Hope by tomorrow I'm up to it!