I think this particular market is more flea than farmer. There were about ten craft booths for every one produce booth. Overall I thought it was too expensive and time-consuming, but it was fun to see. $7.00 for a loaf of bread? $5.00 for a quart of berries? I could have had a breakfast burrito for "only" $5.00.
I had gone with the determination not to spend more than $20, and I stuck with it.
After spending an hour and fifteen minutes, this is what I got at the Farmer's Market:

5 average-looking radishes, $0.50
1 tasty loaf of whole wheat bread, $3.00.
1 smaller loaf of butter bread, $1.50
1 crepe filled with mashed potatoes and a touch of mushroom, which I ate on the spot, $1.00. It wasn't all that good.

1 dollar donation to the Girl Scouts to help the people of Joplin--$1.00.
Free Stuff:
1 tip on a bicycle club for beginners
1 reusable grocery bag with a credit union logo
1 coupon for $7 off the haircut I was planning to get later in the day
Several "taste" samples--cheese, granola, a strawberry, etc.
A very red face from the heat and sun.
1 long wait for a train to move slowly through the middle of the market. Priceless.
I used to wonder how in the world hobos ever got on a moving train, but I was sorely tempted to try it myself--up one side and down the other--just because the wait was so long and the train so slow.
Total Spent: $11.50.
When I went to get the haircut, there was about a 25-minute wait, so I went to the discount grocery next door and spent the rest of my $20 on a cantaloupe, a pint of blueberries, a bunch of bananas, 3 peaches, and a 16-oz. bottle of cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil.
Not bad for a couple hours of shopping. I got in quite a bit of strolling at the farmer's market, plus a 3-block walk each way to my car.
I keep forgetting to try the farmer's markets that have opened in this area. My husband and I wanted to go together for the first time and we recently looked at our calendar and realized we don't have a Saturday morning together now until July 30. I might go alone this coming weekend. It will be fun to see if it compares to your fun description!