My Weight Loss Progress

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Some good clean exercise...

We have a friend who is an older man.  He has a rental house that was damaged when our city had a big flood a few years back.  He has been working away at the repairs, and is almost ready for final inspection.

We went over to the house with him and helped clean the basement.  It has rock and brick walls with peeling paint, and it was filthy!  We dry-brushed it first, and I think I will be coughing for days.  Thank goodness it is fairly small, and our friend went and got dust masks at my first cough.

After brushing it all down, we scrubbed it with the brushes and then pressure-sprayed it to rinse it.  Fortunately for our poor aching bodies, but  not so fortunately for our friend, the drain wasn't working properly so we stopped partway through.

My husband stepped right in the huge puddle around the drain, splashing both of us.  I wanted to grab the hose and start a water-fight, but it wouldn't have drained, and our friend was wearing a white shirt. I have no idea why.  I think he always wears one.

I can't tell you how good a hot shower felt after all that fun!  We get to go back in two weeks and finish the job.  I'll be sure to do the walks with strength training for the upper body in the meantime--and watch for an opportunity to get a good shot at with my husband with the hose!

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