My Weight Loss Progress

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Healthier a Day at a Time--Friend Support

I've joined a Facebook group started by my niece. It's called "Healthier a Day at a Time."

We each set goals and record our points as we work toward the goals. At the end of a month we will each pitch in for a gift card for the winner. It's only $5 a month, and it sure gives me incentive to keep up on my goals. I adjusted her logo to make a personal goal sheet. A visual record gives me even more incentive.

If any of my few loyal readers are interested, give me your email or find me on Facebook, and I will add you to the group. The more the merrier, apparently. The bigger the group, the harder the challenge and the bigger the prize.

For this first month, I have not set the full five goals. I am setting them one at a time, for ten days each. This means that I will have no chance at the prize the first month or two, but I will have more chance at succeeding at my Health Goals.

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