My Weight Loss Progress

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Where Am I?

A friend wrote because she was concerned that I have been off blogger all summer. She was right to be concerned.  I'm just trying to get my life together and barely know where to start.

Lest this sound totally depressed, I don't think I am.  I have just been having a low summer healthwise, and getting very little done as a result.  I totally gave up on Slimmer This Summer.  I've gained back what I lost and had no energy to exercise.

I know I need to exercise to have energy, but when I hit wipeout mode I just can't get to it.

I need to do better in so many areas--health, housework, spiritual life, church work, that I feel like if I start in any one area, I am shortchanging the others.

On the plus side, work is going well, and I have taken up knitting which is very relaxing, and I am nearly done with a little-boy sweater for my grandson. Which he will probably hate but I will never know, right?

I realized I am shortchanging all the others anyway, by not doing at least one, so I am trying to decide on priority.  I have almost two weeks off starting on Tuesday, so I need to pick at least one daily goal to focus on.  Besides actually getting out of bed each day.

Sorry for the downer, but that's where I am right now. On the downside, looking up. Just writing this gives me perspective.  Now if I could just find those room-darkening curtains, I'd put them up and try to get a better night's sleep. That may have been the start of the problem...changing bedrooms when an adult child returned for the summer, and never getting the windows darkened.  Hopefully said child will know where they are.

So you see, I am not just wallowing, I am looking for a constructive way out of the pit.  Just so you know.


  1. It sounds like you're pointed in the right direction. One step at a time... you're on track.
